When we think of bone health, the conventional thinking focuses on bone density and our DEXA-scan results being within a certain T-score range. But this concept of bone health is actually misleading. Yes, it's helpful to have sufficient mineralization and density in our bones, but a standardized T-score is based on the bone density of a 30-year old woman with a medium skeletal frame. What if you're a woman with a smaller frame? Where does that leave you in this context? What if you're a woman in her 50s, 60s, or 70s?


"Just after a diagnosis of osteopenia, I took Cheryl's workshop on bone health. I preferred to avoid the medications often recommended to rebuild bone because I feared possible side effects. Also, when I discussed one such medication with a pharmacist he said that the bone resulting from the medication 'wouldn't be of as high a quality' as my original bone. Cheryl's workshop provided other ways to encourage greater bone density, including soups and other foods with bio-available calcium. I also took supplements of silica, and I started walking one to three miles a day. I'm delighted to report that a DEXA-scan done two weeks ago showed that I had neither osteopenia nor osteoporosis. Thanks to Cheryl for providing healthful alternatives to conventional treatments for thinning bones."

Constance Garcia-Barrio, Ph.D.,
College Lecturer in Romance Languages

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Natural Bone Health Program:
Rebuild Strong, Healthy Bones Naturally

While bone loss is normal after age 30 with the rate of bone loss higher than the rate of healthy new bone growth, there's more cause for concern for women in the ten years around menopause if bone loss is markedly high or significantly progressive. Fortunately, Cheryl Berkowitz offers a natural bone health program that can restore bone health.

Your personal bone health consultation and support program reviews the factors that contribute to bone loss, and we talk about these, taking into consideration your health history, current diet and lifestyle. Supporting what truly constitutes bone health, Cheryl provides nutritional and lifestyle strategies for preserving or restoring bone health, preventing or reversing osteopenia and osteoporosis.

While traditional Western medicine acknowledges the problem with a range of medicines, these can have negative side effects. Cheryl knows viable natural alternatives to Fosomax, Actonel and the other bisphosphonate medications frequently prescribed.

Prevent or Reverse Osteopenia and Osteoporosis

Causes of Bone Loss and the Solution

Unprecedented stress, nutrient imbalances, endocrine imbalances, compromised digestion, commonly prescribed medications and environmental toxins of modern life can deplete our bone reserves, resulting in a diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis.

In most cases, a diet rich in alkalinizing whole foods, the right balance of protein, healthy essential fats, minerals and micro-nutrients coupled with a few choice bone building supplements and the right physical activity, will successfully restore bone health. Underlying causes must be considered and addressed when appropriate.

Whether you want to maintain healthy bones or are already diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis, your bone health can be preserved or restored and you can have strong, healthy bones that last a lifetime, naturally!

Let's work together to create your unique path to a bone-healthy way of life!

Your personal program looks at:

  • What constitutes bone health
  • DEXA-scan and other diagnostics
  • Calcium’s role
  • Vitamin D and other co-factors necessary for bone health
  • Alternatives to the bisphosphonate medications frequently prescribed for osteopenia and osteoporosis and now associated by the FDA and American Academy of Periodontology with spontaneous femur fracture and osteonecrosis of the jaw.
  • Key nutritional and lifestyle strategies to preserve or restore bone health
  • Other strategies to improve bone health

For free information, see our Natural Bone Health Articles.

Call (413) 356-0792 or contact Cheryl for a free introductory assessment of your needs.