“I lost 6-7 pounds on the cleanse, and inches off my bust, waist and hips. My nails got stronger than they have been in 10 years. After the first few days I had no food cravings, and never felt hungry. I slept like a baby, and felt calmer, with a stronger sense of well-being. The support of the group, the laughter, and the sharing went a long way toward making the cleanse journey easier and more fun. Now that the cleanse is over, it’s much easier to continue with better eating habits.”
Nancy Ignatin, Clinical Social Worker/Yoga Teacher
Live Your Authentic Life
Be You
Live Your Authentic Life
There is nothing wrong with you. You are simply on your journey with its twists and turns towards living your authentic life.
Unless you grew up with parents or powerful mentors who recognized, encouraged and supported your genuine gifts, yearnings and potentials, you may be living on someone else's terms -- be it family, teachers, or religious or cultural norms. Or you may be living in the safety of habit, afraid to squarely face who you are and what holds you back from being fully alive. Perhaps your challenges have left you feeling like a victim and you've contracted and protected yourself from taking further risks.
You have now reached a point where your need for deeper authenticity has emerged. It may have been prompted by a deeply altering year of pandemic; by the unexpected loss of a job; by a health, relationship or financial crisis; or by some other seeming derailment. Or it may have been prompted by an increasingly insistent sense that you're not happy with how your days are spent, or that you have something to give to this world that hasn't yet found its expression.
It's okay. In fact, rejoice! You are now on your way home to yourself. And it's never too late to connect with your heart and its yearnings, and to tap into the inspiration, courage, and support you need to move forward to be exactly who and what you are.
The Process
In our process together, you will find a safe and caring space to share your feelings, concerns, confusions, frustrations, yearnings. Here you can sort out your own true ideals from those you learned to believe were yours and create a vision for your life that is uniquely yours.
Whether you're currently working, unemployed, know what you're here to express, or have no idea, we'll work toward finding a sense of direction that feels right to you. Together we'll explore how to discover and express an authentic reflection of the deepest part of you.
Where you are in your process will determine how we move. Among the tools for discovery and action are:
Cultivating presence and deep acceptance
Guiding questions and experiential exercises to connect you with your heart and soul
Recognizing voices of doubt, self-criticism, shoulds, shouldn'ts, or other naysaying thoughts
Deconstructing self-limiting beliefs
Calming and strengthening your nervous system
Engaging spiritual allies
Taking concrete, practical action
You will identify and affirm your true joys, gifts and talents; meet your percieved limitations with compassion, tenderness and love; and discover ways to move through fear and self-limiting beliefs. Throughout our time together, you will take actionable steps. As a result you will emerge from this process with a more clear direction, renewed inspiration, and the courage to live your authentic life.
I'll be with you all the way!