"Cheryl recently presented a very comprehensive in-service on “Natural Bone Health” to 30 home health aides at Collective Home Care, Inc. She shared the most current info on bone health with amazing knowledge. She immediately put the Collective staff at ease by making it accessible and fun. It was very valuable and applicable info for not only the staff but for their clients as well. The staff has requested that Cheryl come back to tackle a new topic! We can’t wait to have her back!"
Mary Whiston
RN Clinical Director
Collective Home Care
South Deerfield, MA
Natural Bone Health: There’s More to Bone Health Than Bone Density
by Cheryl Berkowitz, CHHC, HC
10 Tips for Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet
by Cheryl Berkowitz, CHHC, HC
The Benefits of a Seasonal Cleanse
by Cheryl Berkowitz, CHHC, HC
Fracture Risks with Osteoporosis Drugs: Tips for Natural Bone Health
by Margie King, CHHC, CHC (from Examiner.com)
42 Ways the Body Responds to Rebounding
by Dr. Morton Walker and Albert E. Carter
The Surprising Health and Fitness Benefits of Rebounding
by Cindy Brotherston, CFT
The Principles of Mindful Eating
The Eater's Agreement
by Marc David, M.A., Institute for the Psychology of Eating
National Public Radio
How a Bone Disease Grew to Fit the Prescription
A Moment of Calm - Guided 10-Minute Meditation with Tara Brach
Leonard Cohen - "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in..."
9:33 minute video of Leonard Cohen